The Wind Changes Direction

Laughlin Marx
Lack of Lesser


Photo by Mat Brown from Pexels

I’ve long since lost grasp of my reasons for starting this publication, but I’m far from humble enough to just delete it and move on. Instead, I’ve chosen to pretend I have reason to maintain it by refocusing its content. Where once I fancied this an epicenter of enlightened political takes, it will now play the simple role of personal blog and bin of pro bono articles in general.

It won’t be much of a change in the long run. If anything, the only change is that I’m not going to pretend this is some ambitious project anymore. In turn, I’ll feel more comfortable writing more without the fear that I’m not living up to some lofty goal. Also, it’s likely that many of my posts here will still be political, if at least peripherally, in nature. It’s just a subject matter that tends to drive me to write.

I’m hoping I can convince readers that quality will not drop off with this change either. There may be shorter articles about less serious topics, but they should come with the quality of writing I hope people have come to expect from me. I don’t like producing sub-par content.

Some previous articles that weren’t quite so political in nature have been added to the publication, so feel free to look back on the archive if you’re interested and haven’t checked out my larger body of work. You might find something remotely interesting or worth a soft chuckle. Other articles that have been added to the publication are Partner Program stories that, frankly, weren’t so successful. I’m still proud of them, but maybe they aren’t finding the right audience.

Anyway, very little is actually changing. Expect more content, most likely shorter and less consequential, and the same great quality that keeps so many readers coming back for more.


My name is Laughlin Marx and, y’know, I usually have something half-heartedly clever to put here. Guess this is symbolic of the message.

